On the third day of Catholic Schools Week, we celebrated our nation. When you walk down the hallway near the main office, one can see an array of flags from different countries. Along with this, each class created a poster that represents what they love about the United States. The students also dressed down in red, white and blue to represent the USA and in cultural attire to represent their country of origin.
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On the second day of Catholic Schools Week, we celebrated our students. We started off with a movie day for our students. Then, we ended our day with a volleyball competition between the 7th grade versus 8th grade and 8th grade versus the faculty. Eighth grade came out victorious at the end!
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On the first day of Catholic Schools Week, we celebrated our community. As a school community, we collected cereal boxes for our cereal box domino project. Also, to support our community, the cereal boxes were donated to our church pantry.
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