As a member of the Diocese of Metuchen, Saint Joseph School, adapts rather than adopts, the various subject areas from the State of New Jersey Curriculum and Content Standards. We infuse the curriculum with the content and strategy to assist each child in reaching his or her greatest potential.
The curriculum, based on technologically and developmentally appropriate practices, is governed by the Diocese of Metuchen and is in keeping with the National Standards and Benchmarks for Catholic Elementary Schools. Saint Joseph School upholds high standards for student learning through a well-rounded, value-enriched curriculum that is reflected in standardized test scores and high placement. Diocesan, National, NJ Student Learning Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards are achieved through the various academic programs offered. The standards are the platform to ensure that our students receive an excellent education as well as provide a framework for instruction. Teachers are responsible to follow the scope and sequence of the curriculum and to ensure they meet the needs of every student. In order to maximize instructional time and facilitate the transfer of skills and understanding, teachers are encouraged to integrate curriculum into all areas of study. The subject areas of study include Religion, Integrated Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education/Health, Technology, World Language, Music, Art, Media, Library Research and Character Education.
In addition to the above, Saint Joseph School is part of an ongoing curriculum mapping project. Curriculum maps specify learning objectives and outcomes for students. However, teachers have the flexibility to teach content based on their individual teaching styles.
The Diocese of Metuchen has aligned our Catholic Schools with the defining characteristics of the National Standards and Benchmarks for effective Elementary and Secondary Schools. By these standards, our students are prepared to live faith-filled lives that reflect a Catholic world view.
To learn more about Curriculum, Standards, and “Why Choose a Catholic Education, please visit the Diocese of Metuchen website here: