Catholic Schools Week 2025 is from January 26 to January 31. Monday, January 27th, was the start of Catholic Schools Week. On the first day, we celebrate our community. As a school community, we came together to collect cereal boxes for our cereal box domino project. We spent the past three weeks collecting as many cereal boxes as we could to make this project successful. On Monday, every student lined up the cereal boxes down the hallway - starting by the preschool classrooms, past the elementary classrooms, ending by the middle school classrooms. The students were excited and cheering loudly as they watched the cereal boxes topple over one by one. This was a fun project that got everyone is involved and excited to start off Catholic Schools Week. The cereal box domino project was not only fun for the school community, but it also benefitted the community of Carteret. The cereal boxes were donated to the Saint Joseph Church pantry to provide food for the local community.