My name is Mrs. Fatima Ali Khan and I'm Social studies Teacher of Middle school . I'm here to establish meaningful connections among the major areas of study within social studies and your child's character development . And I will help my kids in learning the basic skills and ethics.
All students receive social studies instruction from grade 6 to grade 8 that provide learners with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and perspectives needed to become active that reflect the habit of mind central to social studies that lead to post secondary success.
Cuneiform was developed around approximately 3000 BC. The Sumerians wrote on clay tablets and used a sharpened reed as a stylus. They baked the clay tablets in the sun, ensuring that their written records would last a very long time .Cuneiform the first known recorded language. It led to other forms of writing.
Henry Rawlinson, a British east India Company army officer , was able to decipher the cuneiform.