Greetings, Parents,
This school year begins my sixth year teaching at Saint Joseph Parish School. Before then, I had taught as a public school teacher in the Township of Irvington for over thirty years. My teaching experiences range from teaching a second grade self-contained class up to college freshmen English composition.HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!
H stands for HOPE. Let us HOPE that the year 2025 is the best year ever.
A stands for ALWAYS to encourage us to ALWAYS make the best possible choices.
P stands for PEACE to remind us to practice praying for PEACE each day.
P stands for PLAY because it is the secret for staying young at heart.
Y stands for YESTERDAY to help us look back and honor those people who have guided us to the blessings of today.
N stands for NICE because if we expect people to be NICE to us we need to be NICE to them first.
E stands for EDUCATION because a good EDUCATION open the doors to your future.
W stands for WORK for WORK is the price of success.
Y stands for YES to remind us that we need to stay positive in everything we do.
E stands for EQUAL because everyone has an EQUAL opportunity each day to be the best version or himself or herself,
A stands for AMEN and AMEN is the way we end every prayer.
R stands for REMEMBER so that we REMEMBER to praise God everyday for the breath of life.
SJS Poem
Saint Joseph School,
so beautiful and bright
with good people
and lots of light,
Saint Joseph School,
so powerful with might
it always has the best
online website,
Oh, Saint Joseph School,
we’re so cool,
maybe one day
we’ll have a swimming pool,
Oh, we even have
a basketball team
which is going to win
with shine and gleam,
Saint Joseph School,
filled with things
I wonder what
the next day will bring.
Fahteh B.