Hello Parents/Guardians,
My name is Miss Emily Sloboda. This is my third year teaching 4th grade at Saint Joseph School. I graduated from Arcadia University with a Bachelor's degree in education and a Master's degree in Applied Behavior Analaysis (ABA).
I am looking forward to watching your children learn and grow this school year. Feel free to reach out to me on ClassDojo or through my email.
All homework is posted daily on Google Classroom for students and on Class Dojo for parents.
4th Grade Supply List
The following items must be labeled with the child’s name and grade:
Please refer to the art supply list for additional supplies.
4th Grade Summer Reading List
Directions: Students are required to read all three books and complete each project.
The One and Only Ivan by Kathrine Applegate
The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden
Fourth Grade Rats by Jerry Spinelli: Google Form Test (Will be given during the 1st week of school) There is no book project to be completed.
After reading, select which project you want to complete for the two books listed above (1 project per book).
Project: Create a comic strip.
Create a comic strip that tells about your favorite part of the book. Your comic strip should have a minimum of six scenes. Please color in neatly. When drawing, please draw and color in your pictures neatly.
Project: Create a sequel (a continuation) to the story.
What do you think happens to the characters and why? What new adventures might they go on in your sequel story? If handwritten, complete it on a piece of loose leaf. (It must be your best work.) You can also type it on a computer and print it. You should have at least 8 sentences for your sequel. Be careful with capitalization and punctuation. Please put your name and Grade 4 at the top of the paper.
Project: Create a diary entry for the story (8-10 entries).
Choose one character and follow their actions and emotions throughout the story. Put yourself in the character’s shoes. Each time you read, write a diary entry from the point of view of that character. If you choose to include pictures in your entry the pictures should be no more than a sketch that briefly describes the entry (ex: Diary of a Wimpy Kid). Students must have between 8-10 diary entries.